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Image by Robert Katzki

The Queer Trans Poly Kink SW Friendly Therapist List


The Original 

Google Sheet

Scroll through to view all of the entries created by clients and providers.


The Searchable

Database (BETA)

Search providers by insurance, location, and more.


ADD A Provider

Clients and providers are encouraged to add their information to The List.

Built by the community, for the community.

The moderator does not assume responsibility for community submitted content.  


To give feedback on this resource, or to submit updates, please contact us.

Embeded Search Tool Exp

Entries on The Therapist List are provided by members of the community, as well as providers who have submitted their information.


Community supplied information is indicated by:


If the information was supplied by that provider, it's indicated with: 

community icon
hand heart provider icon

Clients may anonymously rate a provider's competency in a given community on a 0 - 3 scale: 

0 = completely unfamiliar   3 = super comfortable and familiar.


Providers are not permitted to rate their own familiarity a given community using the rating scale, but may describe their level of competence in the comments section. 


To order the listings in your search by freindliness to a given community, click the name of that community in bold at the top. For example, you can search "Somerville" and then click POC at the top of the window to sort all of the providers in Somerville with a friendliness rating for 3 to the top. You can click "download" to save your search results.


Click the         icon to view more information about the provider, including comments. If a field is blank, information was not provided. 

plus sign icon

Please note: The searchable database tool is currently in Beta, and we're still working out the kinks. (Pun intended.) The tool is not currently mobile friendly; you may have a better time viewing your results on a computer or tablet.

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