Looking for a GSM friendly therapist that actually takes your insurance can feel like searching for a fucking unicorn.
That's why this exists.
Who are you and how do I get in touch?
This website and resources are maintained by me, Izebel. Contact me via email at izebel(at)rocketmail(dot)com.
The tool for searching the Therapist List is made and maintained by Mika. Contact them at mika.br(at)gmail(dot)com.
Where did the therapist list come from?
The information compiled on the list is contributed by members of Gender and Sexual Minority Communities from all over the Boston area, and many therapists. The prospect of seeking mental health care for the first time was for me, completely terrifying. I cried lot. I didn't want to deal with discrimination or judgement on top of that. So I asked friends and members of some local online communities to anonymously share recommendations through on a google form. The list exists because of people (like you!) who are willing to share info with the community. Even if your provider isn't perfect or already has an entry, please consider adding them, or adding a rating and some comments.
Why don't you have info on ______?
The information collected has changed over time as I learned and understood more about community needs, and my own. If you have a suggestion, please email.
Can you help me find a therapist?
Check out the "How to Find a Therapist" page for Izebel's step by step write up of how to go about a search. You can also check out the Resources page.
I'm a therapist mentioned on The List and something needs to be changed or updated.
Please email me and I will update your info.
Note: There may be a delay between your info changing on the old school google doc and the searchable database.
How can I help support this project?
Contribute information. Send me feedback. Make a donation towards the web fees:
Paypal izebel(at)rocketmail(dot)com
Why is the original google sheet rainbows?
Because I like rainbows.